Module Kxclib.ArgOptions

type _ named_option =
  1. | IntOption : string -> int named_option
  2. | FloatOption : string -> float named_option
  3. | StringOption : string -> string named_option
  4. | InChannelOption : string -> Stdlib.in_channel named_option
  5. | OutChannelOption : string -> Stdlib.out_channel named_option
  6. | InChannelOption' : string -> (Stdlib.in_channel * channel_desc) named_option
  7. | OutChannelOption' : string -> (Stdlib.out_channel * channel_desc) named_option
and channel_desc = [
  1. | `StandardChannel
  2. | `FileChannel of string
val opt_of_named_option : 'x named_option -> string
module type FeatureRequests = sig ... end
val has_flag : ?argsource:(string array * int) -> ?prefix:string -> string -> bool
val get_option : ?argsource:(string array * int) -> ?prefix:string -> ?optsep:string -> 'x named_option -> 'x0 option
val get_option_exn : ?argsource:(string array * int) -> ?prefix:string -> ?optsep:string -> 'x named_option -> 'x0
val get_option_d' : ?argsource:(string array * int) -> ?prefix:string -> ?optsep:string -> 'x named_option -> (unit -> 'x0) -> 'x1
val get_option_d : ?argsource:(string array * int) -> ?prefix:string -> ?optsep:string -> 'x named_option -> 'x0 -> 'x1
val get_absolute_args : ?optsep:string -> ?argsource:(string array * int) -> unit -> string list