val pp_int53p_impl_flavor :
Stdlib.Format.formatter ->
int53p_impl_flavor ->
val show_int53p_impl_flavor : int53p_impl_flavor -> string
module type Ops = sig ... end
module type S = sig ... end
module Internals : sig ... end
include module type of struct include Internals.CurrentFlavorImpl end
val impl_flavor : int53p_impl_flavor
module Ops = Internals.CurrentFlavorImpl.Ops
include Ops with type int53p = Ops.int53p
type int53p = Ops.int53p
val zero : int53p
val one : int53p
val minus_one : int53p
val to_float : int53p -> float
val of_float : float -> int53p
val to_int : int53p -> int
val of_int : int -> int53p
val to_int64 : int53p -> int64
val of_int64 : int64 -> int53p
val to_nativeint : int53p -> nativeint
val of_nativeint : nativeint -> int53p
val to_string : int53p -> string
val of_string : string -> int53p