Module Kxclib.PipeOps


module S : sig ... end


val (|&>) : 'x S.t -> ('x -> 'y) -> 'y S.t

piping map

val (|&>>) : 'x S.t -> ('x -> 'y S.t) -> 'y S.t

piping flat-map

val (|+&>) : 'x S.t -> ('x -> 'y) -> ('x * 'y) S.t

piping map to snd

val (|!>) : 'x S.t -> ('x -> unit) -> unit

piping iter

val (|-!>) : 'x S.t -> ('x -> unit) -> 'x S.t

piping and iter-tapping

val (|@>) : 'x S.t -> ('acc * (('acc * 'x) -> 'acc)) -> 'acc

piping fold_left

val (|?>) : 'x S.t -> ('x -> bool) -> 'x S.t

piping filter

val (|&?>) : 'x S.t -> ('x -> 'y option) -> 'y S.t

piping filter map

val (|+&?>) : 'x S.t -> ('x -> 'y option) -> ('x * 'y) S.t

piping filter map to snd