
# (* preparation *);;
# open Kxclib;;
# open Doctests_utils.Test_utils;;

Basic OCaml Datatype Declaration Generation

Bindoj.Type_desc.type_decl is a type meaning type declaration and there are record type and variant type as type kinds. The following are datatype declaration generation examples: student of record type and person of variant type. Bindoj.Type_desc.type_declaration_of_type_decl is a function converting Bindoj.Type_desc.type_decl to type_declaration.

simple record type : student

# open Bindoj.Type_desc;;
# #show_type type_decl;;
type nonrec type_decl =
  type_decl = {
  td_name : string;
  td_configs : [ `type_decl ] configs;
  td_kind : type_decl_kind;
  td_doc : Bindoj_base.Runtime.doc;
# let student_desc =
    record_decl "student" [
      record_field "admission_year" (Coretype.mk_prim `int);
      record_field "full_name" (Coretype.mk_prim `string);
val student_desc : type_decl =
  {td_name = "student"; td_configs = Bindoj.Type_desc.Configs.[];
   td_kind =
     [{rf_name = "admission_year";
       rf_type =
          {Bindoj.Type_desc.Coretype.ct_desc =
            Bindoj.Type_desc.Coretype.Prim `int;
           ct_configs = Bindoj_typedesc.Type_desc.Configs.[]};
       rf_configs = Bindoj.Type_desc.Configs.[]; rf_doc = `nodoc};
      {rf_name = "full_name";
       rf_type =
          {Bindoj.Type_desc.Coretype.ct_desc =
            Bindoj.Type_desc.Coretype.Prim `string;
           ct_configs = Bindoj_typedesc.Type_desc.Configs.[]};
       rf_configs = Bindoj.Type_desc.Configs.[]; rf_doc = `nodoc}];
   td_doc = `nodoc}

simple variant type : person

# open Bindoj_gen.Json_codec;;
# #show_type type_decl;;
type nonrec type_decl =
  type_decl = {
  td_name : string;
  td_configs : [ `type_decl ] configs;
  td_kind : type_decl_kind;
  td_doc : Bindoj_runtime.doc;
# let person_desc =
    variant_decl "person" [
      variant_constructor "Anonymous" `no_param;
      variant_constructor "With_id" (`tuple_like [variant_argument @@ Coretype.mk_prim `int]);
      variant_constructor "Student" (`inline_record [
        record_field "student_id" (Coretype.mk_prim `int);
        record_field "name" (Coretype.mk_prim `string);
      variant_constructor "Teacher" (`inline_record [
        record_field "faculty_id" (Coretype.mk_prim `int);
        record_field "name" (Coretype.mk_prim `string);
        record_field "department" (Coretype.mk_prim `string);
val person_desc : type_decl =
  {td_name = "person"; td_configs = Bindoj.Type_desc.Configs.[];
   td_kind =
     [{vc_name = "Anonymous"; vc_param = `no_param;
       vc_configs = Bindoj.Type_desc.Configs.[]; vc_doc = `nodoc};
      {vc_name = "With_id";
       vc_param =
          [{va_type =
               {Bindoj.Type_desc.Coretype.ct_desc =
                 Bindoj.Type_desc.Coretype.Prim `int;
                ct_configs = Bindoj_typedesc.Type_desc.Configs.[]};
            va_configs = Bindoj.Type_desc.Configs.[]; va_doc = `nodoc}];
       vc_configs = Bindoj.Type_desc.Configs.[]; vc_doc = `nodoc};
      {vc_name = "Student";
       vc_param =
          [{rf_name = "student_id";
            rf_type =
               {Bindoj.Type_desc.Coretype.ct_desc =
                 Bindoj.Type_desc.Coretype.Prim `int;
                ct_configs = Bindoj_typedesc.Type_desc.Configs.[]};
            rf_configs = Bindoj.Type_desc.Configs.[]; rf_doc = `nodoc};
           {rf_name = "name";
            rf_type =
               {Bindoj.Type_desc.Coretype.ct_desc =
                 Bindoj.Type_desc.Coretype.Prim `string;
                ct_configs = Bindoj_typedesc.Type_desc.Configs.[]};
            rf_configs = Bindoj.Type_desc.Configs.[]; rf_doc = `nodoc}];
       vc_configs = Bindoj.Type_desc.Configs.[]; vc_doc = `nodoc};
      {vc_name = "Teacher";
       vc_param =
          [{rf_name = "faculty_id";
            rf_type =
               {Bindoj.Type_desc.Coretype.ct_desc =
                 Bindoj.Type_desc.Coretype.Prim `int;
                ct_configs = Bindoj_typedesc.Type_desc.Configs.[]};
            rf_configs = Bindoj.Type_desc.Configs.[]; rf_doc = `nodoc};
           {rf_name = "name";
            rf_type =
               {Bindoj.Type_desc.Coretype.ct_desc =
                 Bindoj.Type_desc.Coretype.Prim `string;
                ct_configs = Bindoj_typedesc.Type_desc.Configs.[]};
            rf_configs = Bindoj.Type_desc.Configs.[]; rf_doc = `nodoc};
           {rf_name = "department";
            rf_type =
               {Bindoj.Type_desc.Coretype.ct_desc =
                 Bindoj.Type_desc.Coretype.Prim `string;
                ct_configs = Bindoj_typedesc.Type_desc.Configs.[]};
            rf_configs = Bindoj.Type_desc.Configs.[]; rf_doc = `nodoc}];
       vc_configs = Bindoj.Type_desc.Configs.[]; vc_doc = `nodoc}];
   td_doc = `nodoc}


# #show_module Bindoj.Caml_gen;;
module Caml_gen = Bindoj.Versioned.V0.Caml_gen
module Caml_gen :
    module Caml = Bindoj.Versioned.V0.Caml
    module Datatype = Bindoj_gen.Caml_datatype
    module Json_codec = Bindoj_gen.Json_codec
    module Type_module : sig ... end
# #show_module Bindoj.Caml_gen.Datatype;;
module Datatype = Bindoj_gen.Caml_datatype
module Datatype = Bindoj_gen.Caml_datatype
module Datatype :
    val type_declaration_of_type_decl :
      ?type_name:string ->
      ?attrs:Ppxlib.attribute list ->
      type_decl -> Bindoj.Versioned.V0.Caml.type_declaration
    val gen_reflect :
      ?codec:Coretype.codec ->
      type_decl -> Bindoj.Versioned.V0.Caml.value_binding
    val gen_structure :
      ?type_name:string ->
      ?refl:bool ->
      ?attrs:Ppxlib.attribute list ->
      ?codec:Coretype.codec ->
      ?generators:(?codec:Coretype.codec -> type_decl -> Ppxlib.structure)
                  list ->
      ?type_decl:[ `expr of Ppxlib.expression | `path of string ] ->
      type_decl -> Ppxlib.structure
    val gen_reflect_signature :
      ?refl_type_abbr:string ->
      ?codec:Coretype.codec -> type_decl -> Ppxlib.value_description
    val gen_signature :
      ?type_name:string ->
      ?refl:bool ->
      ?attrs:Ppxlib.attribute list ->
      ?codec:Coretype.codec ->
      ?generators:(?codec:Coretype.codec ->
                   type_decl -> Bindoj.Versioned.V0.Caml.signature)
                  list ->
      ?type_decl:bool ->
      ?refl_type_abbr:string ->
      ?type_decl_type_abbr:string ->
      ?typed_type_decl_type_abbr:string ->
      type_decl -> Bindoj.Versioned.V0.Caml.signature
# #show_module Bindoj.Caml;;
module Caml = Bindoj.Versioned.V0.Caml
module Caml :
    module Ppxlib = Ppxlib
    module Astlib = Astlib
    module Emitter = Bindoj_gen.Emitter
    module CommonTypes : sig ... end
    type signature_item = CommonTypes.signature_item
    type signature = CommonTypes.signature
    type structure_item = CommonTypes.structure_item
    type structure = structure_item list
    type value_binding = CommonTypes.value_binding
    type type_declaration = CommonTypes.type_declaration
    type core_type = CommonTypes.core_type
    module Structure : sig ... end
    module Signature : sig ... end
# Bindoj.(
   let student_decl = Caml_gen.Datatype.type_declaration_of_type_decl student_desc in
   Caml.Structure.([declaration student_decl] |> printf "%a@?" pp_caml));;
type student = {
  admission_year: int ;
  full_name: string }
- : unit = ()
# Bindoj.(
   let person_decl = Caml_gen.Datatype.type_declaration_of_type_decl person_desc in
   Caml.Structure.([declaration person_decl] |> printf "%a@?" pp_caml));;
type person =
  | Anonymous
  | With_id of int
  | Student of {
  student_id: int ;
  name: string }
  | Teacher of {
  faculty_id: int ;
  name: string ;
  department: string }
- : unit = ()