Module Bindoj_apidir_shared.MakeRegistry



val register_type_decl_info : ?name:string -> ?doc:string -> 'a Bindoj_typedesc.Typed_type_desc.typed_type_decl -> unit
val add_type_decl_environment_wrapper : (Bindoj_typedesc.Typed_type_desc.tdenv -> Bindoj_typedesc.Typed_type_desc.tdenv) -> unit

TODO.future - temporary solution before the arrival of type cosmos

val register_get : ?summary:string -> ?description:string -> ?tags:string list -> ?resp_name:string -> ?resp_doc:string -> ?resp_samples:('respty * http_status) Bindoj_runtime.with_doc list -> urlpath:string -> resp_type:'respty Bindoj_typedesc.Typed_type_desc.typed_type_decl -> string -> (unit, 'respty) invocation_point_info
val register_get' : ?summary:string -> ?description:string -> ?tags:string list -> ?resp_samples:('respty * http_status) Bindoj_runtime.with_doc list -> urlpath:string -> string -> 'respty response_case list -> (unit, 'respty) invocation_point_info
val register_post : ?summary:string -> ?description:string -> ?tags:string list -> ?req_name:string -> ?req_doc:string -> ?req_samples:'reqty Bindoj_runtime.with_doc list -> ?resp_name:string -> ?resp_doc:string -> ?resp_samples:('respty * http_status) Bindoj_runtime.with_doc list -> ?usage_samples:('reqty * 'respty * http_status) Bindoj_runtime.with_doc list -> urlpath:string -> req_type:'reqty Bindoj_typedesc.Typed_type_desc.typed_type_decl -> resp_type:'respty Bindoj_typedesc.Typed_type_desc.typed_type_decl -> string -> ('reqty, 'respty) invocation_point_info
val register_post' : ?summary:string -> ?description:string -> ?tags:string list -> ?req_name:string -> ?req_doc:string -> ?req_samples:'reqty Bindoj_runtime.with_doc list -> ?resp_samples:('respty * http_status) Bindoj_runtime.with_doc list -> ?usage_samples:('reqty * 'respty * http_status) Bindoj_runtime.with_doc list -> urlpath:string -> req_type:'reqty Bindoj_typedesc.Typed_type_desc.typed_type_decl -> string -> 'respty response_case list -> ('reqty, 'respty) invocation_point_info
val register_response_samples : ('respty * http_status) Bindoj_runtime.with_doc list -> (_, 'respty) invocation_point_info -> unit
val register_response_sample : ?doc:string -> ?status:http_status -> 'respty -> (_, 'respty) invocation_point_info -> unit
val register_request_samples : 'reqty Bindoj_runtime.with_doc list -> ('reqty, _) invocation_point_info -> unit
val register_request_sample : ?doc:string -> 'reqty -> ('reqty, _) invocation_point_info -> unit
val register_usage_samples : ('reqty * 'respty * http_status) Bindoj_runtime.with_doc list -> ('reqty, 'respty) invocation_point_info -> unit
val register_usage_sample : ?doc:string -> ?status:http_status -> req:'reqty -> resp:'respty -> ('reqty, 'respty) invocation_point_info -> unit
val register_usage_sample' : ?doc:string -> ?status:http_status -> ('reqty * 'respty) -> ('reqty, 'respty) invocation_point_info -> unit