Module Bindoj_runtime

This module provides functionalities used by the code generated by Bindoj.

module StringMap : sig ... end
module Doc : sig ... end
type doc = Doc.t

This type represents a document.

val pp_doc : Ppx_deriving_runtime.Format.formatter -> doc -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.unit
val show_doc : doc -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val equal_doc : doc -> doc -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.bool
type 'x with_doc = 'x Doc.u

This type represents a value of type 'x with a document.

val string_of_doc : doc -> string
val doc_of_string_opt : 'a option -> [> `docstr of 'a | `nodoc ]
type 'camlrepr external_format = ..
type ('tag, 'datatype_expr) foreign_language = ..
type external_format_label =
  1. | External_format : _ external_format -> external_format_label
type foreign_language_label =
  1. | Foreign_language : (_, _) foreign_language -> foreign_language_label
module External_format : sig ... end
module Refl : sig ... end

This module provides types for interconversion between Expr.t and OCaml types.

module Expr : sig ... end

This module provides expression type t and functions for interconversion between t and OCaml type.

module type Generic_typed_type_decl = sig ... end
type ('type_decl, 't) generic_typed_type_decl = (module Generic_typed_type_decl with type t = 't and type type_decl = 'type_decl)
type _ boxed_generic_typed_type_decl =
  1. | Boxed_generic_typed_type_decl : ('type_decl, _) generic_typed_type_decl -> 'type_decl boxed_generic_typed_type_decl
val mk_generic_typed_type_decl : 'type_decl -> 't Refl.t -> ('type_decl, 't) generic_typed_type_decl

Creates a new generic typed type declaration of the given type declaration and reflect.

val mk_boxed_generic_typed_type_decl : 'type_decl -> 't Refl.t -> 'type_decl boxed_generic_typed_type_decl

Creates a new boxed generic typed type declaration of the given type declaration and reflect.

val box_generic_typed_type_decl : ('type_decl, 't) generic_typed_type_decl -> 'type_decl boxed_generic_typed_type_decl

Makes the given generic typed type declaration boxed.

module Reflects : sig ... end

This module provides functions to create reflects.

module Wellknown : sig ... end
module Json_shape : sig ... end
type json_shape_explanation = Json_shape.shape_explanation
type json_field_shape_explanation = Json_shape.field_shape_explanation
val string_of_json_shape_explanation : json_shape_explanation -> string
val string_of_json_field_shape_explanation : json_field_shape_explanation -> string
module type Json_shape_explaner = sig ... end
type ('shape, 'field_shape) json_shape_explaner = (module Json_shape_explaner with type field_shape = 'field_shape and type shape = 'shape)
module OfJsonResult : sig ... end

This module provides functionalities to handle the results of JSON parsing.

type 'a json_full_decoder = ?path:Kxclib.Json.jvpath -> Kxclib.Json.jv -> 'a OfJsonResult.t

Type of json decoder that returns result.