type shape_explanation = [
`named of string * shape_explanation
`special of string * shape_explanation
`with_warning of string * shape_explanation
`exactly of Kxclib.Json.jv
`unresolved of string
`anyone_of of shape_explanation list
`string_enum of string list
`nullable of shape_explanation
`array_of of shape_explanation
`tuple_of of shape_explanation list
`record_of of shape_explanation
`object_of of field_shape_explanation list
Represents a json shape.
Represents a json field shape.
and field_shape_explanation = [
`mandatory_field of string * shape_explanation
`optional_field of string * shape_explanation
Represents a json field shape.
val show_shape_explanation : shape_explanation -> string
val show_field_shape_explanation : field_shape_explanation -> string
val pp_shape_explanation : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> shape_explanation -> unit
Pretty printer for the shape_explanation
val pp_field_shape_explanation :
Stdlib.Format.formatter ->
field_shape_explanation ->
Pretty printer for the field_shape_explanation
val string_of_shape_explanation : shape_explanation -> string
val string_of_field_shape_explanation : field_shape_explanation -> string