Module Bindoj_runtime.OfJsonResult

This module provides functionalities to handle the results of JSON parsing.

Main features:

WARNING: *_explanation types are purely for debugging purpose and are subjected to change without any advance notice.

module Err : sig ... end
include Kxclib.ResultOfS' with type err = Err.t
include Kxclib.ResultOfS with type err = Err.t
type err = Err.t
exception Error_result of err
type 'x t = ('x, err) Stdlib.result
val bind : 'x t -> ('x -> 'y t) -> 'y t
val return : 'x -> 'x t
val error : err -> _ t
val get : 'x t -> 'x
module Ops_monad : Kxclib.MonadOpsS with type 'x t := 'x t