This module provides types for interconversion between Expr.t
and OCaml types.
type 't constructor =
| InlineRecord of {
get : 't -> Expr.t StringMap.t;
mk : Expr.t StringMap.t -> 't option;
| TupleLike of {
| NoParam of {
| ReusedInlineRecord of {
get : 't -> Expr.t StringMap.t;
mk : Expr.t StringMap.t -> 't option;
Represents a variant constructor.
type 't result =
| Record of {
get : 't -> Expr.t StringMap.t;
mk : Expr.t StringMap.t -> 't option;
| Variant of {
constructors : 't constructor StringMap.t;
classify : 't -> string * 't constructor;
| Alias of {
Represents a data type.
and 'a t = 'a result Stdlib.Lazy.t